310 gram colombia cauca branded sparrows bag with white background angled slightly to left
310 gram colombia cauca branded sparrows bag with white background angled to show the left side of the bag with what is q grader info panel
Joven Coffee

Colombia Cauca

Regular price $16.00 Unit price per
Region: Cauca, Colombia
Process: Fully washed 
Variety: Bourbon 
Notes: Citrus, chocolate, floral

Not only was this Colombian coffee produced by young growers, it was also selected by the world's youngest Q grader, Frankie Volkema. The Joven / Sparrows team worked with the CAFINORTE cooperative in Colombia's Cauca region to compile this blend of lots, in collaboration with Coffee for Peace. In the cup, it tastes of rich milk chocolate, sweet citrus, and spring flowers. Even better, it specifically supports and celebrates the next generation of farmers in Colombia.